Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Indian Election Economy in a 'snapshot'

Check out this hoarding. Proof of election economy at play. (Translation below)

For those who don't read Malayalam, the hoarding has a rate card for various election-related logistical tasks:

1. for sticking posters and writing on walls - Rs. 500 + a pint (of booze)
2. for tearing posters and blacking writing out with oil - Rs. 1000 + a full (bottle of booze)
3. to walk around saying that the candidate will win and to praise the candidate (in a group of 3) - Rs. 2500 + 1 litre (of booze)
4. to walk around saying that the rival candidate will lose and to do his/her character assassination (in a group of 5) - Rs. 500 + 2 litres of booze)

Kottayam Lok Sabha Elections Canvassing Workers (that's the name of the organisation/group)
Thanks Rohan

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