Wednesday, March 26, 2008

You will love this 6 yr. old child prodigy

Child prodigy - Ethan Bortnick appearing on The Tonight Show by Jay Leno on March 10, 2008, chatting with Jay Leno and then performing some of his pieces from the DVD.

Ethan shows none of the pretentiousness so typical of child geniuses. He’s actually very funny and incredibly honest, particularly when describing his distaste for Aerosmith.

While he’s a very charming guest, Ethan’s there because of his piano prowess. This kid has memorized more than 200 songs, including pieces by Scott Joplin, Mozart, and Bach. Ethan then shows he’s more than just a jukebox by playing one of his original compositions.

Ethan Bortnick has performed solo concerts and has also performed for live audiences of over 20,000 people on many occasions. Ethan has wowed audiences with his skills and personality and has played to the astonishment of Patti LaBelle, Jay Leno, Cameron Diaz, Diane Sawyer, Nelly Furtado, Jason Alexander, Rush Limbaugh, Pamela Anderson, Martha Stewart, John Voight, and many more musicians and celebrities.


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